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Welcome to the Knative blog ¶

Welcome to the Knative blog

Follow this blog to keep up-to-date with Knative.

  • Release and feature announcements:

    Learn about each Knative release, what's new and changed, and how to get started with the latest and greatest.

  • Articles:

    Read about Knative-centric features, tools, and related topics.

  • Steering Committee and TOC:

    Updates on Knative governance, technical direction, and the community.

  • Future and past social events:

    Find out where the Knative team will be talking next, and where they've been.

Knative 1.14 is out!

Details on the 1.14 release of the Knative project.

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Knative meets Apache Camel K!

Event Sourcing with Apache Camel K and Knative Eventing.

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Knative Completes Third-Party Security Audit

A third-party audit by Ada Logics found a small number of issues, including one CVE.

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Knative at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2023

We are looking forward to seeing you all there.

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Knative joins the CNCF

This is a big milestone for our project and we are excited to join the CNCF

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Highlighting the value of Knative for the c-suite

Deploy faster and more cost-effectively without hard-to-find, specialized expertise. Knative—building on Kubernetes—supports serverless code development and deployment. This allows your developers to focus on creating code and deploying resilient applications fast without having to become experts on Kubernetes...

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Distributed tracing with Knative, OpenTelemetry and Jaeger

When trying to understand and diagnose our systems, one of the most basic tools we learn to lean on is the stack trace. Stack traces give us a structured view of the flow of logic that our program is executing in order to help us wrap our heads ...

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